We are living in an era in which the world is desperately in need of peace, friendship, and solidarity. Despite the urgent
need for solidarity and cooperation, certain circles are inciting conflict, particularly conflict between the world's two
greatest and deep-rooted civilizations. One of the best ways of preventing the disastrous war of civilizations is to strengthen
the dialogue and cooperation between these civilizations. This is not a hard task, as there are no fundamental differences
between Islam and the Judeo-Christian western world. This dialogue and alliance will be based on the sincere believers' quest
for justice, peace, and support for all people. This alliance will be one of the main contributing factors to tranquility
at a time when Prophet Jesus' (peace be upon him) second coming is expected. |
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The plan, design, and delicate balance existing in our bodies and reaching into even the remotest corners of the incredibly
vast universe must surely have a superior Creator. Man is unable to see his Creator yet he can nevertheless grasp His existence,
strength, and wisdom by means of his intellect. This book is a summons to think. A summons to ponder over the universe and
living beings and see how they have been created flawlessly |
Buy Now, Acrobat (pdf), MS Word (rtf) Also Avaliable Turkish, Farsi, Urdu, Albanian, French, Indonesian, Arabic, Azerbaijani |
A man examining the universe with wisdom and conscience sees that everything is created and therefore is a sign of the
existence of Allah. What matters is to be able to look at the universe from this conscientious viewpoint. In this book, comprising
some of the articles by Harun Yahya published in recent years in various newspapers and periodicals, you will read the most
important responsibility of man is to glorify his Creator, Who created him fromnon-existence and granted him whatever he possesses
and also see how the theory of evolution is invalidated by scientific findings and experiments with a concise and simple language.
Buy Now, MS Word (rtf), Acrobat (pdf) Also Avaliable Indonesian, Turkish |
God, in the Qur’an, calls the culture of people who are not subject to the religion of God "ignorance." Only a comparison
of this culture with the honorable thoughts and moral structure of the Qur’an can reveal its primitive and corrupted
nature. The purpose of this book is to take this comparison further, displaying the extent of the "primitive rationale" of
ignorant societies. |
Buy Now, Acrobat (pdf), MS Word (rtf) Also Avaliable German, Turkish, Indonesian |
One of the purposes why the Qur’an was revealed is to summon people to think about creation and its works. When a
person examines his own body or any other living thing in nature, the world or the whole universe, in it he sees a great design,
art, plan and intelligence. All this is evidence proving God’s being, unit, and eternal power. For Men of Understanding
was written to make the reader see and realize some of the evidence of creation in nature. Many living miracles are revealed
in the book with hundreds of pictures and brief explanati |
Buy Now, MS Word (rtf), Acrobat (pdf) Also Avaliable German, Turkish, Urdu, Serbian, Indonesian, Spanish, French, Danish, Russian |
When we look at Buddhism in the light of the verses of the Qur’an, we see that this belief is built on twisted teachings,
contains peculiar acts of worship incompatible with human reason and logic, and turns man towards idolatry. This book reveals
all the deviant aspects of this superstitious religion. |
Buy Now, MS Word (rtf), Acrobat (pdf) Also Avaliable Turkish |
Many people today are searching for a way to escape from all the inhumanity, chaos, confusion, quarrels, conflicts, worries,
selfishness and deceit we see in the world; they are looking for a way to establish a way of life that will bring them contentment,
inner certainty and peace. Some of these seekers believe they will find the happiness and peace of mind they are looking for
in religions such as Hinduism or Buddhism. Many people have been influenced by these eastern religions because of their aura
of mystery and mysticism, and because they make use of techniques such as meditation, and because of the unusual attitudes,
dress, manner of speech and religious practices of those who follow them. However, although religions like Hinduism and Buddhism-
among the oldest we know of-give some good ethical advice, not everything they contain is true. Over the centuries, they have
absorbed elements of the customs and traditions of the societies that have adopted them en masse, and have degenerated as
a result of various legends and erroneous beliefs that have been added to them, so that the form in which we know them today
is one tainted with superstition. It is for this reason that these religions espouse many beliefs and practices that conflict
with reason and logic. |
Buy Now, MS Word (rtf), Acrobat (pdf) Also Avaliable German, Turkish |
Terrorism is a crime against humanity. It is a brutal attack on innocent people. Islam is a religion that means "peace".
In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. Terrorism and all other
mischief on Earth are the very acts that Muslims are commanded by God to stand against. The Islamic morality is the cure for
terrorism, not the source of it. Those who resort to or support terrorism in the name of Islam are in a great error. They
are committing a crime which God has cursed in the Koran. All true Muslims denounce terrorism of any kind, and share the sorrows
of its victims. |